Kure Hemp Essentials Kit

$89.00 Save $36.00

Purchase at the special price of $89, and it makes your balm free.This is where it all began, wellness from the herb from the inside out. Comes with Kure Relief Balm and your choice of Kure Hemp Drops.

COMES WITH: Kure Relief Drops
What's included

Relief Drops - 30ml
Kure Relief Drops help to alleviate physical discomfort and inflammation, including joint and muscle discomfort, while also calming tension and strain in the body. With Kure Relief Drops, you can enjoy a sense of comfort and ease, promoting overall well-being and a healthy body.

Relief Balm - 60ml
Experience targeted relief with our topical solution, infused with Hypericum to soothe inflammation and discomfort. Apply to fatigued muscles and achy joints, leveraging the same base formula as our Hemp Body Balm for enhanced effectiveness.


Kure Relief Drops
- Supports the body’s stress response
- Gives you the will to face the day
- Supports movement and comfort
- Promotes physical ease

Kure Relief Balm
- Supports the relief of muscle tension
- Can be applied to painful joints
- Can be applied to any area of discomfort
- Suitable for the entire family


    Kure Relief Drops
    - Organic Hemp Seed Oil, MCT Oil, Hempseed Phytoblend, Green Tea Extract, Cacao, Ginger, Curcumin, Non Cannabis Derived Plant Aromatics (Myrcene, Limonene, b-Caryophyllene, Linalool, a-Pinene, Ocimene, Terpinolene, Humulene, Nerolidol), Orange & Ginger Flavour, Amylase.

    Kure Relief Balm
    - Coconut oil, Beeswax, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Hempseed Oil, Sunflower Oil, Infused Oils (Kawakawa, Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum) Essential Oils (Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Frankincense)

    How to use
    Kure Relief Drops
    - Adults: Take between 7-10 drops, 2-3 times per day
    - Children: Take 3-5 drops, 2-3 times day
    - Shake bottle well
    - Increase by 3 drops in 3 day increments if you find continued benefit
    - Always store in a cool place away from sunlight
    - Can be taken with or without food

    Kure Relief Balm
    - Massage balm in finger to soften, apply anywhere on the body
      COMES WITH: Kure Relief Drops

      Product information

      Trust them, it works.

      No ordinary Hemp seed oil.

      Contains Terpenes which support healthy levels of the brain's natural calming agents for that relaxed feeling of good mood, tranquility and well-being.

      Easy as.

      Step 1:
      Take 5-10 drops, 3x a day.

      Step 2:
      Increase in 3 day increments if you find continued benefit.

      In the Wild.

      Sharing is caring.